Collection: Nostril Retainers

Nostril retainers are an excellent choice of jewelry for both fresh and healed nostril piercings. This adaptable style is widely favored for situations where you wish to hide your piercing and is also ideal for stretching.

Whether you're attending a formal event or simply prefer a more discreet look during your workday, nostril retainers offer a comfortable and practical solution. With their sleek and minimalist design, they can render a nostril piercing virtually invisible. Additionally, for those on a stretching journey, nostril retainers provide a safe and gradual way to increase gauge sizes without compromising on style or comfort. These pieces are also used during medical procedures such as MRIs when metal jewelry is prohibited. So, whether you're new to the world of body modification or a seasoned enthusiast, nostril retainers are an essential part of your jewelry collection, offering both functionality and aesthetic appeal.